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Postby cotton » Wed May 25, 2005 9:49 pm

His mother tried her hardest to remember all the people she slept with when she got pregnant but her list was incomplete.

Johnny Depp
Harrison Ford
Brad Pitt
Robin Williams
George Clooney
Mel Gibson

She gave her list to Earl and told him that if she can remember anymore she would call him on his cell. Earl decided to pay Johnny a visit.
Last edited by cotton on Thu May 26, 2005 6:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby lammy » Thu May 26, 2005 4:01 pm

Great so Earls mother is a gorilla slut!
Bah hum bug!!!!
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Earls quest

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu May 26, 2005 6:20 pm

He had to plan the meeting with Johnny very carefully,
Earl knew that John shopped at a certain grocery shop every Tuesday
so he planned to just meet Johnny at the check out counter,
as an after thought he decided he had best do some research and
see from his list who he looked the most alike to.(sorry bad grammer)
When he compared the list and pictures Earl realized....
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Postby jims_lost_daughter » Fri May 27, 2005 3:40 am

That Johnny was way too good looking to be the father of that ugly of a baby. But he visited Johnny anyways because Johnny is SEXI. And then he later realized as he left with a signed forehead with Johnnys autograph on it, that it wasnt any men from the list, or Madonna, it was infact...
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Postby Jim Is Awesome » Fri May 27, 2005 4:32 am

Michael Jackson!!! But, he could never tell which one, because Michael Jackson went through so many stages in his appearence, it made Earl confused, Also their noses didn't match, so this led Earl to go on and....
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Postby jimliker » Fri May 27, 2005 10:41 am

get his nose shaped like Jim Carrey's nose coz he wanted to resemble Jim...

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Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri May 27, 2005 4:30 pm

then he heard the story about Robin Williams and the female gorilla and
thought " aww, it's a long shot but I'll try" so he travelled to the zoo
where Robin hung out before.
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Postby cotton » Fri May 27, 2005 4:42 pm

LOl Robin is on the Mothers list Canadian Jayne

Somebody should make a pic of Earl and his Mom to go with this story.

ok back the story

When he got to the zoo he asked some Zookeepers and the Gorillas if they had seen Robin lately and they all said no but one of the Gorillas said she knew Robin very well and gave Earl a no. to call.
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Oopss totally missed that one

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon May 30, 2005 6:34 pm

Since Earl knew sign language and that is often how gorillas talk to people
Earl started to sign over the phone to Robin(oops he forgot you can't see over the phone) so he started to talk and heard his answering machinge,
"I'm sorry Robin is on vaction in... the voice recording halted.
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Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon May 30, 2005 6:37 pm

sSrry for spelling mistake

I couldn't decide whether I wanted him in traction or on vacation.
You decide.
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Postby lammy » Mon May 30, 2005 6:37 pm

The answer machine busted up into pieces after hearing Earls loud shreack girly voice.
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Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon May 30, 2005 6:41 pm

One of the gorillas he had been signing and received the info from had
just pinched his butt and was making goo goo eyes at him.
Earl thought "I better get outta here, but how, he was in a phone booth
trapped with a mawling gorrilla outside.
Aha 911...he called
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No one else has posted since yesterday so I'll continue

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue May 31, 2005 5:25 pm

When the police arrived at the scene, they thought it was so funny
they were almost rolling over, laughing at Earl, now Earl didn't
think this was so funny.
"Cumon you guys, help me out here" Earl insisted
then Earl remembered he had a banana in his pocket maybe that
was what the gorilla was after so Earl tossed the banana towards
the policemen, and sure enough, the gorilla then went for the police,
the policemen scattered in fear, the tables had turned.
Earl escaped running down the street laughing, headed towards......
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Postby quirky » Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:51 am

the idea that monkeys could be baptized. Earl felt something strong moving in his heart, but didn't know if he could find a pastor that would guide his primate self.
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Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:48 pm

Ironically, just as he was thinking about his spiritual motivation he ran
into two young guys, with black tags on their lapel, they looked kinda
spiritual and asked the golden question "Why am I here".
The two young men's eyes brightened and the older one replied "
I'm glad you asked that question!"
Suddenly Earl heard a loud bang and grunt, it looked liked the
gorilla was headed straight for Earl and the other two guys, all three
fleeing for their lives ran into the park, the guys hid under a tree and
the older guy said "this is rediculous we come 2000 miles from home to
answer the very question Earl asked and we can't even subdue one of
God's creatures" They decided to.......
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