In the lair of dr.spider,the evil spider half man with red goggles and a messed up cybernetic body had faced off againest the mask,milo the masked dog,and katie ipkis the wife of stanley who is a famous news reporter,soon the goons kidnapped katie,but the mask and milo soon defeated all the goons..then threw a mask super mega bomb onto mutated dr.spider and he blew up and so did his entire lab....soon after that tim avery and his family and masked dog otis faced loki the evil god of mischief and silenced him to heck...
then soon stanley ipkis was fighting crime one day,when suddenly he saw thor the god of masterness...and he had the originial mask,then stanley and his team tried to defeat thor,but thor was too strong for them..and sent his goons to defeat them,then all of the team was defeated,soon stanley,katie,and milo had to come up with a new plan...
this time they would get the originial mask..
and become...INVINICIBLE!!!!