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Latest Jim Carrey interview from Wave Magazine

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Latest Jim Carrey interview from Wave Magazine

Postby jimlover » Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:02 am

Hey Guys read this Interview.It is one of recent interview of Jim and it was taken by Wave Magazine.

http://www.thewavemag.com/pagegen.php?p ... leid=26265

The last time Jim Carrey played a crazy guy, it nearly ruined his career. Time has diminished the damage of The Cable Guy, and now the funnyman is tempting fate again. In The Number 23, he plays a simple family man. Working as a dogcatcher, the most exciting thing in his life is a book about how everything adds up to 23… and it’s evil. As he starts adding things up, his own secret past is revealed. Good thing it doesn’t add up to 24, or Jack Bauer would have to come and torture him.

The Wave: So are you seeing 23s everywhere now?
Jim Carrey: A couple of days ago, I was with my assistant and I wanted people to see what I see every day. So basically, I began saying, “Just get your camera phone out and just start taking pictures whenever you see it.” The first thing was a tow truck right beside us with the number 23 on the side of it. I don’t know why that is, the number 23 on the side. I guess it’s the 23rd truck in its fleet. So, I got them to take a picture of that. Then I looked to the car in front of us, and that license plate started with the number 23. Then I came to the hotel here and I was in Room 1223. Then I went out on my balcony and the address adjacent to the hotel is 323.

TW: More importantly, playing an animal catcher, do you feel you’ve come full circle from Ace Ventura?
JC: Well, the way my life and the universe works is basically very mysterious. Movies find me, and I kind of just allow them to find me, and when it becomes a real good fit, I do them. And in this case, it was the 23 phenomenon, and also the fact that he was a dogcatcher was, I think, a really nice little wink toward my other work, so it was just all inclusive.

TW: What consumes you like this, besides 23?
JC: The only thing that has ever consumed me is love from time to time. Feeling like, what is it, how do I get it? All of those things have consumed my mind from time to time. My spiritual journey has been a good kind of thing I’ve been on. I guess some people would say I’m obsessed with it, but in a really good way. It’s just enjoyable. I don’t really have crazy obsessions about things. I think obsessions happen because you’re trying to understand something or some urge. Like in the film, I think it’s like trying to avoid something.

TW: Here you’re getting serious again. Do you worry that your fans will hate you for not making comedies?
JC: Most of the people that you might be talking about, if that is true, they may have warmed to me as a person because of the comedy. Human beings just innately don’t like change. They buck it at every turn. Every time something changes, “I don’t know about that.” It’s a scary thing for people, so there’s always resistance to it, but Dylan went electric and he never looked back. And we bitched and moaned when it happened, but that’s not his concern. His concern is to be true to himself, and then invite you in to see it, and go, “Hope you like it.”

TW: Will you ever get back together with your In Living Color cast mates for something new?
JC: Everyone’s doing their thing, man; it’s amazing. I hope so, at some point. In these situations, it has to be completely perfect for everybody. It has to be comfortable for everybody, and those things don’t come around a lot, but I sure hope they do. I would love to work with Jamie (Foxx). It’s really fantastic, though, seeing everybody doing so well. It’s amazing how many people have come from that show and done so well. It gave birth to a lot of talent.

TW: What’s the first movie you remember seeing in a theater as a kid?
JC: The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, starring Kurt Russell. And I’ve told him that. I’ve told Kurt Russell that and he’s like, “Dude, that’s like too confronting for me.” But, yeah, I remember in Toronto, I lived in Willowdale and I walked about a mile and a half to the Willow Show and just going into the movie theatre was such an incredible experience. Wonderful, like, wow, this is magic! And, yeah, it was The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes.

TW: What’s your guilty pleasure?
JC: American Idol’s a guilty pleasure. I am watching it. It’s pretty interesting. It’s kind of wild to see how fame-obsessed
our culture is.
[i][b]Somebody to luv me(Jim)[/b][/i]
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Postby jimliker » Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:49 pm

TW: What’s your guilty pleasure?
JC: American Idol’s a guilty pleasure. I am watching it. It’s pretty interesting. It’s kind of wild to see how fame-obsessed our culture is.
:wink: :wink: :wink:

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I confess...

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:49 pm

it's mine too...
I wonder if Jim votes? :-k
I think they should have the same version for older people
only call it "American Classic" or "Canadian Classic"
There are some people who are older that deserve a break.
There are alot of talented people out there that just never
get a break, maybe it's about time.
What does anyone else think?
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