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WAR..What is it good for?Abslutly....nothing

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WAR..What is it good for?Abslutly....nothing

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:03 am

With so many wars, uprising etc, etc, going on
I think we need more positive stuff on what it did and who it
can help at the same time trying to encourage the plowshare advantage.
I looked up for family history reasons all the wars that occurred in
U.S. & Canada. I thought I could put it on one page(ding/dong/wrong)

Wow, what a list. I concluded that most men & some women were
involved in wars from the beginning of settling this continent.
But today the volume of wars have escalated beyond reason
US is now involved with 3-5 wars or more, there was a day when they
were involved one at a time, but then again small, uprisings did
occur on occasion.
Only a few in history were resolved, meaning both sides negotiated effectively where both sides were somewhat satisfied.
Is war going to be a never ending cycle for this planet?????
It just doesn't make sense!

It definitely isn't cost effective at all.
If someone did an overview on lives lost, cost, destruction of property, loss of income, environmental impact ....
I think they'd come up with a horrendous $ amount.
During WW1 and WWII the environment was adversely affected...
With all these wars going on, what is it doing to our environment now???
Just giving ya something to think about.
All We Are Saying ... Is give Peace a Chance
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Canadian Jayne
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Re: WAR..What is it good for?Abslutly....nothing

Postby fluffy » Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:43 pm

Religion is usually one of the root causes for war and the Middle East is spreading it's conflicts all over Europe now. There are those saying WW3 is currently building in Europe. What is happening is horrific and it's about to get much,much worse. I don't know how much info the rest of the world is getting as we have a partial news blackout but what's happening in Sweden, Norway,France, Germany, Greece, Austria, etc is absolutely criminal and their governments are complicit. Meanwhile the poison dwarf in North Korea wants to kill the world......... :(
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Re: WAR..What is it good for?Abslutly....nothing

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:06 am

These are truly
tumultuous times
Many of us are
living on a hope and prayer

When I read
The Book of Mormon
that tells of a people that literally
annialated themselves
I keep hoping that this is one
piece of history that will never
repeat itself

Prevention IS much better than the cure
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