Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.
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Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.Jim got a scare when he woke up to everyones biggest nightmare-
Jim Carrey, Magic Johnson and Diana Ross were among the celebs who went ducking for cover during the ballistic-missile false alarm in Hawaii, according to reports. “I woke up this morning in Hawaii with ten minutes to live. It was a false alarm, but a real psychic warning,” funnyman Carrey wrote on Twitter on Saturday afternoon — before taking a political turn. “If we allow this one-man Gomorrah and his corrupt Republican congress to continue alienating the world we are headed for suffering beyond all imagination,” he added. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5267945/Jim-Carrey-Magic-Johnson-caught-Hawaii-missile-blunder.html?mrn_rm=rta-fallback (i think i'd have stayed in my bed with my hot water bottle........lol........ ) Fluffy
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.Ya it was good they
Discovered the error Within half an hour I was doing some research to See if the smoke from a volcano May set such an alarm off Can the alarm destingiah between Chemicals/smoke from a bomb and A volcano
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.Ironically on the Sunday the 14th
There was an orange warning code Put out for Kilauea but its been like That for a few years If it speeed additional gases Would an alarm go off As if it was hit ny a missile? I wonder
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.Meant
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.Now they say it was
"Human error"
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.Its crazy what
"One little red button" Can do Scarry Very Scarry
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.R u sure
Mr President Didnt just Try out the Red button To see if it worked I wonder Mayb he had itchy Fingers U could do a good farce on this one
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.Where was
(D)DT That day?
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.D(DT) ????
i've got to be honest i don't think i'd want to survive a nuclear attack........ Fluffy
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.Dont worry
If anyone is at the target spot They r pretty well vapourized One minute your on this side The next moment the other Is the outskirts and effects of Radiation Sounds cold but thats what Happens Its imortant to always have A 72 hour emergency backpack
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.Just get to heck away from
The target If u have an idea of where its headed There r precautionary defense For U S and Canada Best thing is listen to radio Cell phones may not work
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.January is Volcano
Awareness Month for the HVO= Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Thats why i thot it may be A Volcano alert
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.D D T
(D) Donald Trump U be creative and decide what The other D stands for DDT is also a deadly chemical
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.Well this discussion has
At least motivated me to Get my 72 hr backpack Updated and ready
Re: Jim in Ballistic Missile Scare.lol......a 72 hour backpack, what's in that then?
I'd have a hot water bottle, a duvet, cosy socks and my kindle...i'd sleep it out.. It reminds me of a school visit by the environmental agency a few years back. The school had the word 'Hill' in it's title (that's important ) The agency had employed an atrocious touring drama group, to present an all singing all dancing 'what to do in a flood' show. Baring in mind that the whole school was there with the kids aged from 4-11. They put the fear of God into them about how dangerous floods were and how they could lose everything and die. They then went on about how the kids needed an emergency flood pack, complete with their passports and birth certificates etc before making them learn the emergency flood phone number. The wee kids wouldn't have had a clue what birth certificates or passports were and they sat terrified when the 'actors' made out that everyone was going to be swept away. (I was almost falling off my chair at this point, i don't laugh discreetly, i sort of bob up and down ) y'see the city is made up of seven hills and the school is perched on possibly the highest one so if the area floods then Noah is on his way, that would mean a biblical flood. Plus the 'actors' were just so enthusiastic and over the top....... (I did managed to scrounge some pens, rulers and pencils though ) i'm not belittling the Hawaiian scare though, that really must have been terrifying for all concerned. Call it blind faith but i don't think Trump or Rocket Man will get much worse. They're not the real problem, we should be looking at Iran and Russia. It feels as though we are in the early days of the 'End of Times'. Fluffy
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