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Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

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Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 18, 2022 9:53 pm

Here in Ontario
Especially South Western area

Snow keeps a fallin fallin fallin
And spring is stallin stallin stallion
COVID is resurging resurging resurging
Global craziness emerging emerging emerging
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Re: Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:48 am

I focused on scriptures
During Easter
Since COVID decided to
Drop in for a bit
Thankfully I had my 2 shots
If I didn’t who knows
Anyway felling better
After isolating
But in that
I discovered something I
Had never considered b4
It is the stories in Mathew Mark Luke and John
It may be one story or two
But it is about the
Anointing of Jesus
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Re: Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:00 am

Matthew 26:6-13
Remember A woman with an Alabaster Box
With Very Precious Ointment
Poured on The head of Jesus
She did it for my burial
This act will be her memorial
How much was the Ointment worth?
Why were some disciples so irritated?

In Mark 14:3-9
Alabaster Box of ointment
Was worth 300 Pence
One pence was worth one days pay
Now 300 days of work is about the
Same as what a teacher makes since they
Have holidays fir a few months
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Re: Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:08 am

In Mark it specifically says the
Ointment is Spikenard
So the yearly income
For a teacher today is between
$ 20,000 or more
Can u imagine having a hair conditioner
Put on your head worth $ 20,000
Now u can fathom why they were upset
Normally an Alabaster box was
Like a dowry and women
Would put it on the feet of
Someone they were betrothed to
But this woman gave this up
For Jesus
Her gift was amazing
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Re: Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:10 am

Perhaps when she
Gave this gift possibly she
Would have nothing to give as a dowry
Leaving her unmarried and
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Re: Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:29 am

In John 12:1-8
Martha served
Lazarus at the table
In Bethany
6 days b4 Passover
Mary anointed his feet
With 1 Lb of ointment
(Think possibly abt the size of a Lb of butter
But a lot more expensive
But this was something called
Anointed and wiped feet with hair
The odour filled the house
Worth again 300 pence
Could be same story or two different people
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Re: Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:45 am

In Luke 7:36-
Here Jesus eats with a
Again an
Alabaster box of ointment
Washing feet with tears and
Wiping and anointing and crying
Here Jesus tells a story of 2 debtors
And goes into greater detail
On forgiveness
This may all be one story or two
Jesus was of great value to this or these women
Not caring about $ but about his comfort and doing
What they could for. Him regardless of what others thought
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Re: Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:53 am

In Luke 7:36-
Here Jesus eats with a
Again an
Alabaster box of ointment
Washing feet with tears and
Wiping and anointing and crying
Here Jesus tells a story of 2 debtors
And goes into greater detail
On forgiveness
This may all be one story or two
Jesus was of great value to this or these women
Not caring about $ but about his comfort and doing
What they could for. Him regardless of what others thought
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Re: Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:55 am

Did this twice sorry
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Re: Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Apr 27, 2022 11:54 pm

Snow again in Ontario
I thought it
Was Spring

Woke up to snow

I think global warming
Is getting ahead of us
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Re: Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:40 am

I finally
Packed my Christmas tree
And gave the live other one
To a friend
To take care of it
One never knows with global warming
These days
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Re: Easter and Christmas - A great treat...,,

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Jul 13, 2022 3:42 am

Warm weather is
Here and
I’m lovin it
Sun showers are
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