yes... sometimes people say so... thank you very much for kind words...
I want to open my own site but I don't know how to do this. And where to find out a free hosting.
Ever wanted to know what eachother looks like?yes... sometimes people say so... thank you very much for kind words...
I want to open my own site but I don't know how to do this. And where to find out a free hosting. I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad...
Lol. I couldn't have a tattoo, I think it would hurt me too much, and I hate needles!
Muse - 10, 11, 14, 22 & 23 November 2006
Muse - Wembley Stadium - 16 & 17 June 2007 Muse - Royal Albert Hall - 12 April 2008 Muse - 10 November 2009 & 13 November 2009 Muse - 11 September 2010
Tattoos are like a vibrating massage, until they put the alchohol based sterilizer on it. YEEEOOOUCH!!!
That's the part that hurt for me. Otherwise the needles feel like if you were to overscratch a mosquito bite or something. Nothing like chilbirth kind of pain.
me too. But I prefer to be more natural... I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad...
I love what Carol Burnett said about childbirth. "If you want to know what childbirth is like then take your bottom lip and pull it up over your head"
Childbirth is painful but it is the most beautiful thing to experience especially when it is over and you have that new little person in your arms. The pain disappears instantly.
I'm newbie to these boards, glad to meet you all! - Thought i'd introjuiceteecate myself with a little bio + pictorial of me... Name: Ross Chambers From: UK Age: 18 Sex: Yes please! (Ross was the first person to ever put this on a form - honest to Gawd.) Height: 6'2 1/2" Weight: 175lbs Likes: Being happy and liking things. Dislikes: Not being happy and disliking things. Currently reading: This text that i'm writing. etc. etc. Pictures! First up, the "I love myself STUD pose"... next, the Andy Kaufman/Elvis! ARNROSS ROSS ALMIGHTY Me with some unhappy chappette: Ya, thats all for now. feedback please?! Would love to become friends with yall!
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