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The Incredible Adventure

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the story continues, anyone else have any ideas?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:23 pm

a Leo Tolstoy look alike, the professor recognized the man, but kept his distance hoping no one would recognize him. The prof advised Earl and they made a quick exit. The sailor leant the two adventurers an old jalopy. As they were driving along they heard about a Scottish Festival going on in a place called Fergus, so they headed towards the place, hell bent on seeing as much as they could in Ontario while they were there.
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When they arrived....

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:44 pm

they realized they were too late for the festival but lo and behold the
skies started to get black, the professeur new it was tornado clouds, so
they high tailed out of there heading North towards the Penninsula.
Little did they know they were headed towards a path beyond understanding.
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Postby mav » Sat Sep 03, 2005 1:38 am

It was getting dark and the jalopy suddenly sputtered and died on them. Enveloped by darkness and wilderness, the night sounds of crickets and owls surrounded the two spooked inhabitants of the car. They decided to wait the night out. At dawn, when they had a clearer look at their surroundings, it wasn't as sinister looking.... shrubs and small plants and rocks.... a big shack at a distance caught their attention. Tired and hungry they hoped to find some welcome, and sure enough they reached the shack and knocked on the door to find the very hospitable family of The Simpson's who were only too glad to let them stay and recuperate from the harrowing journey.

Earl and Memno realized they now had to find Brandi and tell her to beware of the pursuers, as they may try to get to her in order to reach the professor. Earl had her number and needed to get to a phone. Mr Simpson offered to drive them to the city. Once there, Earl called Brandi and the phone was answered by her aunt who said Brandi was vacationing with her friend in Toronto!
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What great luck!

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:01 pm

Earl was able to get the friends phone #, Brandi was surprised to hear from Earl, they agreed to meet in Belfountain, at the fountain where the fish use to live, when Brandi visited the area when she was a little girl.
Earl told Brandi about the danger, but so far there was no danger.
The next day they met at the fountain, suddenly almost simultaneously they notice two burly guys, Brandi had been followed. They rushed across the hanging bridge and took the pathway, hid from the guys, they passed them, then they back tracked, went over the bridge and hid in the falls. The burly guys were looking at them while the four were watching.
They were getting colder and colder, but they stayed there until dusk.
Brandi had remembered a short cut out of the park. But they had to stop at the corner store, because that's what she always did when she visited the area and bought a Stawberry Shortcake Icecream. But as they were in one aisle they heard some guys talking in the next. Where do you think they are? "Dunno" said the other guy "We're gonna be in big trouble if we loose them again. I heard they we're headed for the Penninsula, "OK lets try that. They new they couldn't head back up north so they decided to go West towards.....
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Postby Conor » Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:12 pm

the deja vu strip club. they got there and they realized it was a strip club...so they walked out where they went to mcdonalds and had 20 cheeseburgers........earl got extremly bad food poisoning and died. so then earl's girl really wanted a new boyfreind fast so she went to a dating service and realized earl had 2 brothers. andrew and Jim. she decided to go out with Jim..they decided to meet each other at...........................
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