The Oscars? Who gives a damn?
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The Oscars? Who gives a damn?Frankly, i dont care if Jim gets an oscar, of course it will be great if he does, but even though he doesnt, i will always think that hes the most versatile and the greatest actor ever...anyone else agree with the oscar thing and he versatility???
"aaaaaaaaalrighty then"
"sss-smokin" "if im not back in 5 minutes, just wait longer"
I think this has been discussed heaps of times in other threads.........basically i think everyone is agreed that an Oscar is NOT the only goal.............that Jim is extremely talented and very versatile.........and that he will get recognition for his talent in time......he has 2 Golden Globes and about a zillion other awards so it's obvious he has an amazing talent........we just need to be patient i guess......
fluffy Fluffy
An Oscar is meaningless. Don't get me wrong.....I watch the Oscars every year, but the people that I think should get them usually don't.
A smart actor will design their career around doing roles that interest them and make them feel good, not roles that might get them an Oscar. There's a lot of talent out there which has never been recognized by Golden Globe, People's Choice, Oscar....etc. That doesn't mean that talent isn't legitimate. "When in doubt, tell the truth."
Mark Twain
RE: Oscars.Now now. i think you're overreacting. Jim presented the oscar for best cinematography (if that's how you spell it) in the 90's and that Midnight Cowboy parody was hillarious.
yours sincerly, Countess Olafina equalor
I agree with quirky. An Oscar nomination would be just another acknowledgement of his talent, which we all fans know he has lots of. But, I still think he deserves to be nominated... even though it seems that the Academy is losing its glamour and prestige...
From everything I've heard about it, it seems to me that their being immature about not nominating him. Don't they have some sort of cold shoulder towards Jim for some crazy reason? This has to be something more then him never being recognized by them... hes been a favorite by many people for over 10 years now.
But, as it was said... he doesn't need an oscar for his talent. It won't change my, or anyone elses for that matter, view or opinions on him. I can say that the day he is nominated I will be highly excited for him. What makes you weak is what makes me stronger.
RE: Jim oscars.They should have an award for a performance in a comedy.
yours sincerly, Countess Olafina equalor
wasnt there something about the oscars not liking Jim cuz he rejected them on hosting or something? i might just be making that up though... cant remember where i heard that from
damaged peopleJim IS A GREAT ACTOR! not only in "man of the moon" but also in "the truman show" and "esotsm" he deserved at least an oscar nominnation. i heard that academy don't reward his performances because of his "comedian" past. but as bill murray said "people who don't think comedian are actors are damaged-really damaged"!
apart from this, Jim is not just a great comedian.he is a great multi talented actor!
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