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You are here: Home > Recent > News > The UK release of ILYPM is finally here!
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The UK release of ILYPM is finally here!
17 Mar 2010    

By Nicola West (Editor/Writer (UK))

UK release today of this highly anticipated film which was dogged with distribution troubles. Those of you in the UK can't have failed to spot the film trailers, posters and bus flyers advertising this long awaited movie over the past few weeks and now there's a UK version of the movie website.

The website contains some amazing true facts about Steven Russell (Jim Carrey's character), a long synopsis, UK trailer, new movie stills not seen on the internet before, three great clips (Being gay is really expensive, Bread Basket and Don't Jump), reviews and is well worth a visit.

I Love You Phillip Morris
Entertainment One

Win a weekend in London and £500 with "I Love You Phillip Morris". To celebrate the 17th March release of "I Love You Phillip Morris", Heatworld are giving you the chance to win a weekend in London with £500 spending money!

Jim's character, Steven Russell, loves living a flamboyant life and Heatworld wants to find the UK's most extravagant and craziest spender ever!

The most outrageous ideas will get the chance to win the ultimate lifestyle for the weekend! With a two night stay at the five-star Courthouse Doubletree by Hilton with its luxurious Magistrates Suites, prison cells and its Michelin recommended destination restaurant, £500 spending money and a luxury meal to get a taste of the high life. For your chance to win all you have to do is tell us your biggest spend ever, on something totally outrageous for either yourself or someone you have loved!

Email them at competitions@heatworld.com, making sure to put “Phillip comp” in the subject box, and not forgetting to include your contact details.

And be sure to tell us if you're the lucky winner!

-- Source: Heatworld. With big thanks to Priya B. Click to comment this article.

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