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Jim Carrey: I Need Color
06 Aug 2017    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

We have been lucky enough to see some of Jim Carrey's extensive paintings and sculptures that he has done over the last years.

Every color, every brush stroke, every painting and every sculpture has a meaning.

We are in awe of yet another talent of the amazing artistic spark that Jim has. You can check our Gallery to see more of his work.

But today we want to share a video where you can, not only see more of Jim paintings, but also learn a bit more about his art through his own words that we share here:

Jim Carrey

"What you do in life chooses you. You can choose, not to do it. You can choose to try and do something safer. Your vocation chooses you.

When I really started painting a lot, I had become so obsessed that there was nowhere to move in my home. Painting were everywhere. There were becoming part of the furniture, I was eating on them.

I found myself looking around at one point, a real blick winter in New York and it was so depressing and I think I needed color.

You can tell what I love by the color of the paintings. You can tell my inner life by the darkness in some of them. You can tell what I want from the brightness in some of them.

I think what makes someone an artist is, they makes models of their inner life, they make something physically come into being that is inspired by their emotions or their needs or what they feel the audience needs.

When I was a kid I spent half my time in the living room performing for people, I spent the other half of time in my bedroom, by myself, writing poetry and sketching. I was not the type of kid you could say, as a punishment, "go to your room" because my room was like heaven to me. My isolation was welcomed.

I sketched all the time but I didn't do a lot of painting. Suddenly, six years ago, at a time when I was trying to heal a broken heart I decided, well, maybe I will paint.

The energy that surrounds Jesus is electric.

I don't know if Jesus is real, I don't know if he lived, what he means but the paintings of Jesus are really my desire to convey Christ consciousness. I wanted you to have the feeling, when you look in his eyes, that he was accepting of who you are. I wanted him to be able to stare at you and heal you from the painting. You can find every race in the face of Jesus and I think that's how every race imagines Jesus, they imagine as their own.

I don't know what painting teaches me, I know that it just frees me. Free from the future, free from the past, free from regret, free from worry.

Something inside you is always telling a story. I believe that every single thing you see and hear is talking to you.

You know, the bottom line with all of this, whether is performance or it's art or it's sculpture, is love. We wanna show ourselves and have that be accepted.

I love being alive and the art is the evidence of that."
- Jim Carrey

Director/Producer David Bushell
Editor - Nicole C. Conrad
Music - Dave Palmer
Vocals - Jane Carrey
Camera - Bobby Davidson (NY)
Sound - Sean Massey
Asst. Editor - Kelsey Ann McClure
Art Assistants - Roland Allmeyer, Lino Meoli, Brogan Dunphy
Edited w/ Adobe Premiere Pro CC

This video is so moving and beautiful that even Vimeo chose it as their Staff Pick.

Our hearts are warm and transporting with love, pride and happiness from Jim Carrey.

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

-- With thanks to Jim Carrey. Click to comment this article.

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