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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Green is the thing this year!
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Green is the thing this year!
27 Nov 2000    

Yep, "The Grinch" did it again. Not happy with having stolen last weekend's box-office clean with an official result of 55.8 million dollars, the Mean One went for an encore. The 5-day Thanksgiving holiday weekend which began last Wednesday, turned out an estimated $73.8 million for Mr. Grinch, obliterating "102 Dalmatians" and "Unbreakable", both released by Walt Disney Co. It was the first time since 1993 that a release from a non-Disney studio won the competitive Thanksgiving box-office, which is being considered as the biggest-grossing ever in history.

It took only 8 days for "Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas" to pass the $100 million mark, bringing its 10-day total to an estimated $137.4 million. With just a tiny 5% loss in its audience between the first and second weekends and with no new wide releases on the horizon, there's a very good chance "The Grinch" will continue to rule box-officeland for the third consecutive weekend.

In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, the president of Universal Pictures Distribution, Nikki Rocco, said that "This movie will be an immense success for every area of the studio. Brian Grazer, Ron Howard and Jim Carrey delivered to Universal an incredible early Christmas present, and we couldn't be more grateful."

-- With a big Spank You to Lee Lindner & Kelly for the Grinchy news. Click to comment this article.

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