New Ace Venturait's a work study program basically.......u can learn about a profession while working there......certain (or most) colleges offer those kinds of programs......and a lot of them actually pay you too.
I am part of an elite group of people......THE MEN OF JCO.
(Standing member since July 18th, 2005) THE FEW AND THE PROUD!!!!
well i think there will never be one......or unless Jim is pulling a huge joke on us and just keeping the whole thing under wraps.
u never know I am part of an elite group of people......THE MEN OF JCO.
(Standing member since July 18th, 2005) THE FEW AND THE PROUD!!!!
I think its bin too long for another ace movie and i can totally understand why Jim doesnt want to go bk to tht role..... I think if they do a 3rd ace and do it with sum other actor it will totally ruin the 2 great movies of jims already existing!.... but it will prove tht Jim is the only ace!!!!
only Jim Carrey raed this answer in past movies ace vantureok people's you need to think of what would be better a new ace or the old ace if they have a new ace that whloud be cool but Jim Carrey is ace that was his best roll ever besides the mask and bruse almight hay those were good but Ace Ventura pet detictive is the best i could sotp laufghing at all every time there was a funny part but if there's a new ace becides Jim i know that it will never be funny because Jim is pretty much the only actor how can make me laughf but if there isn't a new movie of ace
with Jim me and my freinds won't have any funny things that well make us laughf as hard as Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura pet detective the first two movies were great i really whant to see a ace vanture with were ace has to find a tiger or liger but that would only get my atenchon if it had Jim Carrey in it as ace. ( only) i have blonde hair and blue eyes, i have 5 brothers and 1 sister all are older than me,
my intentions when i grow up are to be an actress and get enoufh money to buy a zoo / auarium/ sctusuware
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