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Worldwide Release Dates"I Love You Phillip Morris" has been picked up by E One Films in the United Kingdom. The release date will be Summer 2009.
The premiere in Czech Republic has been moved from April to November. Check the updated list in the first post. Join Jim Carrey Online on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat
Oh man!! I already was waiting that it comes in theatres in March. How can I wait until to September?!?! Damn it. Riddle me this...Riddle me that! Who's afraid of the big black bat?
Damon Romine, Entertainment Media Director at GLAAD, said that “there are lots of films with major actors that we’re just now hearing about being picked up, so I feel that it’s only a matter of time [before ‘I Love You Phillip Morris’ is picked up].” Deutchman said that there is “really no set amount of time” before a film is picked up. “Sometimes it happens right there, sometimes immediately after, or sometimes the film needs to develop a head of steam before it’s picked up,” he said, adding that “it’s not uncommon for a movie to be floundering in the market for months and months.” Deutchman said he didn’t think the economy was a factor, though he said it’s “very expensive” to distribute a film these days. “A distributor will look at a movie and try to size it up in terms of a target audience,” he said. “How easy is it to get to them? How efficiently can it be marketed? The fact that there are major stars makes it press worthy, but is it press worthy to people who follow those stars? Is that the right subject matter in terms of reaching the star’s audience?” Rumors have been circulating that the film has explicit scenes that could garner it an NC-17 rating, but Romine, who saw the movie, said that it is “no more explicit than an R-rated film that includes straight characters.”
I have word that the distributors for Belgium and The Netherlands cancelled the release-date. And I have a feeling other countries will follow one by one, because it's still not clear what's going on with 'I Love You, Phillip Morris'. There's no promotion, there's nothing at all. Is there even a finished cut ready to be released? I'm wondering. It's a sad thing. I'm starting to believe 'Morris' realy is in trouble.
Skip from Japan has sent information over that "I Love You Phillip Morris" has got a japanese distributor.
'Asmik Ace entertainment Inc.' has announced their lineup for 2009/2010. And Phillip Morris will be shown in 2010. No specific date yet. Join Jim Carrey Online on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat
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