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Six million dollar man Get Smart

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Six million dollar man Get Smart

Postby bionicwhat » Sun May 16, 2004 9:17 pm

Maxwell Smart is Jim Carrey - yeah, he'd be a good Steve Austin but how could you not imagine him as Maxwell Smart? Number nine, engage! CIA is so... how do we say? Boys will be boys. <p></p><i></i>

Re: Six million dollar man Get Smart

Postby pavementchalk » Mon Jun 21, 2004 1:50 pm

I can't see Jim as Maxwell. Don was so fabulous! I can't see anyone as Maxwell. The short sharpness was a perfect embodiment of the character.<br><br>I hope they feature the dolls in the six million dollar movie. Thye were the ultimate merchandise. In this case I'll go against my ethics and encourage redistribution. I had the pair of them. Not only did Steve and Jamie look like the actors, but Steve had this fantastic telescopic eye. I used to look through it to see far into the distance...(I had my eye operated on at four. They pulled it out and left in on my cheek then popped it back in a again and I had to wear a patch. Mum made a pirate patch so I felt kool.)<br>The irony of the doll was that instead of seeing bionic vision, it actually made things seem further away. All the same, you felt like a little plastic manseeing far away in little plastic land.<br>He also lifted up a little plastic motor with a glitch glich force. Pumping a butt0on on his back edged his muscley arm up and displayed his little red engine strength.<br>Jamie was great. She had a massive hole in her ear. It didn't actually do or hear anything. However, when you wrapped your fingers around her little plastic head and turned it with precision timing, it went clik clik clik clik, as if she was listening via bionic sound effects. How I loved her. Until my cousin (whom I also adored) gave her a haircut and the ugly baldness of the non-sit-down hair was revealed to one and all. Not only that...horror of all horrors : the mould line!<br><br>She also had plug-ins on her arms. A skin of rubber rolled back in a pink suspect way. <br>As an adult, sex with a condom sometimes reminds me of the million dollar woman's forearm. Not a personal fetish of mine, but I can see how television can taint the mind of a small child <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/wink.gif ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> . <br>I never put the arm anywhere than fistworthy, into Ken's face. It was inevitable that Ken, with his funky hairdo, end up in a rolex watchbox wheelchair. He was shoddy. Not half as well made as the bionic pair.<br><br>i wish I could get free for a weekend and go to a rave. Then I'd feel bionic again. I'm beginning to fel agrophobic hunching over this @#%$ puter. Plug me in, someone!<br><br> <p>she came from out of the sky</p><i></i>
Once Bitten
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Re: Six million dollar man Get Smart

Postby pavementchalk » Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:19 am

I was a child of innocence.<br>She was a doll of fraudulent skill.<br>Her inbuilt bionics were really a hollow head with nylon loops. She had a head like an inturned Tips cap, without the flying colours.<br>Her elaborate wiring was merely a window layered over a bit of shoddy, printed cardboard.<br>The hole in her ear was just that. A hole. <br>The click in her neck, that felt like the click in my neck after another ruddy night on the couch, only she couldn't feel it cos her nervous system was made up of dank air passing through hollow torso and limbs ( a level of dank brought about by submerging her in the bath too many times attempting to save the soap) was a prelude to that rebuilding terminator chick. <br>Her face was perfect. Perfect in a less inane way than Barbie. Perfect in a less magnum-posing way than the beautiful British, Cindy. Perfect in a less hairy way than teddy.<br>It was the face of a human laid in plastic. Perfectly human. <br><br>Shame she didn't have the cool exposed white cotton hemming and pockets of curious, yet stern-faced, Steve, the man with continuous consternation....Shame she didn't have the matching top and bottom in that glorious red that matched his engine. He always was a passionate doll. He wore no rubber roll-up, but had doors on his arms for when he plugged in. Later I had to send him to Sindy, in her nurse outfit, to get some methadone. Sadly, He'd put the charger in once too often and over-tended the workings, the teeny doors had snapped off and you could see him raw, exposed...too wired.<br>You should always be suspicious of a man who doesn't wear a patch when he has a hole in his eye-ball. A man whose hair is too shiny and perfect. A man with a rippling chest but no hairs on it. A man that wants you to pump him for power and wants too many pats on the back. Mitch of merchandise land. "My oh my!" Tough tummy.<br><br>I hope these same dollies are released for the kiddiwinks.<br>It would be really difficult for any actor or actress to match the acting ability of the merchandise. they were talented before their decay.<br><br>I used to have a dollie with Havoc on her chest aswell. She had a touch of the 99's about her.<br><br><br> <p>she came from out of the sky</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p074.ezboard.com/bjcomessageboard.showUserPublicProfile?gid=pavementchalk>pavementchalk</A>  <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="http://img24.photobucket.com/albums/v73/johemia/jopoppinsavatar.jpg" BORDER=0> at: 6/22/04 12:26 pm<br></i>
Once Bitten
Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2003 3:03 pm

Six Million Dollar Man

Postby robomom » Fri Jul 02, 2004 8:10 pm

I don't think Mr. Carrey should do Maxwell Smart, he's a better six million dollar man... rebuild him and he's a wonder! The more I think of it, the more I anticipate the movie. It should be very interesting to see him in as a CIA operative. I just never really thought about, leave it Mr. Carrey to push the envelope into a new dimension. A hero!<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>

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