(Web correspondent)
The official website for "Disney's A Christmas Carol" has been updated with some new additions. Not only does it have the new full trailer, but it also has some info on the film including cast and crew, a photo gallery, and games. Upon further review, there are only two games on the official site at the time of this article.
First, there’s Scrooge’s Ghostly Adventure, which is a board game where you’re Scrooge racing against the three ghosts to the finish line. Along the way, you collect and play funny mini-games in order to advance easily. Overall, it’s a fun board game and the mini-games are actually very easy to play. You’ll most likely beat them each time you play.
Then there’s Scrooge’s Soarin’ Star Ride, which is another mini-game but way more difficult than the other ones from the board game. All you do is guide Scrooge left and right while collecting different stars, but there are so many obstacles in the way, it becomes difficult to maneuver. Still, you’ll get a kick out of this though I prefer the board game.
To view the site and play the games, click here!

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