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Carrey Predicts Early Deaths For Paparazzi

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Carrey Predicts Early Deaths For Paparazzi

Postby jimliker » Thu Jan 13, 2005 8:23 pm

well here's what Jim have to say about PAPARAZZI :)


http://www.contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed ... 0paparazzi

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Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Jan 13, 2005 8:38 pm

There will be a wreckoning for the Paparazzi, :twisted:
it's really sad :cry: when they
have to look at the negative or hone in on someones privacy.
May they have the "PAPARAZZI CURSE"
Chaching, ding-donG-done.
Really, we can only HOPE they go away, somewhere out there.
If there's any OUTERSPACE ALIENS OUT THEREr, we'll donate the PAPARAZZI for your perusal. KEEP EM FOR AWHILE.
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Postby jimliker » Thu Jan 13, 2005 9:05 pm

u r right Canadian Jayne :D ..i feel sorry for the celebrities :?

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Jim Carrey dealing with the paparazzi.

Postby JimCarreyschick » Thu Jan 13, 2005 9:41 pm

I don't like them either and I think that it's an invation of privacey personally. Can you all picture walking down the street and all of a sudden you get snap shots of you taken with your permission? or having them trying to talk to you when you don't want to? Jim Carrey probably feels like once the paparazzi notices him, he'll always think that everyone wants something from him meaning the paparazzi. I also think that it's not right that people have this job because that's like some snooping around in our business when we don't want them too and I also feel that the paparazzi is disrespectful, yeah Jim Carrey's a celebrity but come on he has a right to have time for himself and I heard someone punched out one of the paparazzi but who was it? I saw a bit of it on ET or something where another celebrity lost it on them and told them that's enough and they didn't want to listen and they seriously got punched out. Jim Carrey is a person like you and me and the paparazzi have nothing better to do but bud into celebritie's business. I wish Jim Carrey did't have to deal with them because it's not fair to him at all.

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Postby jimlover » Fri Jan 14, 2005 1:00 pm

i agree with him too.
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Postby jimliker » Fri Jan 14, 2005 7:17 pm

one thing impressed me about Jim Carrey is that even if he is disturbed by the paparazzi...he never hits them or say bad words on their face. he is so patient that he resists his anger. the paparazzi should realize that & stop bugging him at least as a matter of courtsey. :?

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Re: Paparazzi story with Jim Carrey.

Postby JimCarreyschick » Sat Jan 15, 2005 12:41 am

I think that it's rude that the paparazzi don't respect the celebrity's privacey, they are people just like us and deserve space. I'm surpised too about Jim Carrey handling it so well, I also read in one tabloid from September '96 shortly after Jim and Lauren got married and were on thier honeymoon that Jim Carrey punched some guy out I'm guessing that was the paparazzi or a peeping tom who decided to video Jim and Lauren. He was asked nicely to stop and he didn't, Jim Carrey couldn't take it anymore and finally punched him or hit him over the head with a watch pitcher and called the Cops and the guy got charged him which was good and he I think went to jail. I guess if the Paparazzi doesn't do anything to threaten him or bud into his private business like his honeymoon and just wants to get pictures then I guess he's fine with it but I think that if the paparazzi was much too nosey like what I told you all with that story with Jim and Lauren. That's an invation of privacy and it's wrong to do that and it seemed like the guy was being a a$$ about leaving him and Lauren alone and being told to stop, but I think Jim Carrey handles it quite well and must be used to it maybe that's why he doesn't show his anger and sucks it up and puts on a happy face for them.

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Postby xmassmurdere » Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:38 am

paparazzi suck theyre always botherin celebrities... its none of their business what a celebrity wants to do... its like getting stalked and then having ur pics everywhere.....
Jim is such a good guy and patient they should at least respect him for that!!!!
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Postby samurai_cable » Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:11 pm

Lol~!! You tell 'em Jim~! 8)
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Re: Celebrities and the Paparazzi.

Postby JimCarreyschick » Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:50 pm

I have to agree so much with Jimliker, xmasmudere and Candian Jayne by the way I like your nick names. I have a question for everyone. If the Paparazzi would ask Jim Carrey first if he'd like his picture taken or any other celebrity and so on. Do you think they wouldn't mind the Paparazzi dong this to them if they'd ask them first? Jim did say that he doesn't think he's treated badly by them but he said on Revealed for Bruce Almighty that it's rude and unkind to do that. I wonder how Jane his daughter handles it eh!.

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Postby xmassmurdere » Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:26 am

maybe....if they do decide to ask first he'll let them have pics but i doubt they'll do dat
i heard somewhere that Jim hit a papparazzi with a jug cuz he wouldnt stop even after Jim asked him....go Jim!!!
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Postby jimliker » Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:41 pm

well JimCarreyschick (Jen Carrey!), they r papparazzi coz they intrude in stars perosnal life. so they will never ask. they will just take pics. Jim usually ignores them, but if it goes over his head then he has to hit them anyway.

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Re No wonder why they are called the Paparazzi.

Postby JimCarreyschick » Tue Jan 18, 2005 12:47 am

Hey Priya (JimLiker),

That's very inconsiderate of them to do that. I wouldn't be surprized if Jim Carrey gets mad and snaps and hits one of them because it serves them right and spying on someone with a video camera and taping them is called a peeping tom. I don't think it's fair and I don't think there should be a job like that because that would also be like if you try to go to the mall or store and people who you don't even know take snapshots or video tapes you without your premission, that's invation of privacey and isn't it against the law to do that? I'm not sure for them though. I don't know how I'd deal with them, I'd probably loose my temper on them quite fast because I don't like to be watched myself and to me it's disrespect and invation of privacy too and it's not appropriate at all. Jim is so good in handling it, he'd probably handle it better more so then me because I don't know if I'd be able to handle that especially when they don't listen when the celebrity says no.

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Postby jimliker » Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:43 pm

hey Jen Carrey,
i think there should be a strict law about right to privacy & there should be a ban on paparazzi.

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Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Jan 18, 2005 8:53 pm

instead of a jug would be a better idea.
Or take up a petition to ban PAPARAZZI,
i WONDER what would happen.
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