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Who should be Jim Carrey's co-star in upcoming movies?

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Postby fluffy » Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:23 pm

You have seen The Mask right???

GGGGGGrrrrr.................of course i have!!!! :wink:

fluffy :P
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Postby Conor » Sun May 01, 2005 1:05 pm

damon wayans
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Postby anne » Sun May 01, 2005 8:47 pm

I would like to see Jim in a hot-'n-steamy luvscene!! It doesn't matter which hot blonde would be his co-star, 'cos I would only look at Jim :wink:
I loved him in the 'naked in the show scene' in Ace Ventura.

oh my god, i really sound like a freak....
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Postby quirky » Sun May 01, 2005 9:52 pm

Quirky, you've done drama......get your showreel into paramount pronto.....!!!


I peed myself just thinking about it.

You know the nerves thing. I have it. I was on TV a little over a year ago on a show that has 13 million viewers. And you get to hear the announcer SAY that to the audience right before taping. This is when your stomach becomes like an hourglass and the California burger you had in the studio grill becomes like the sand in the hourglass.

And the facial tic. I had never had THAT particular nervous reaction before, but it felt like I had a fishhook in my right cheek and it was being yanked up to my right earlobe in sync with the beat of my heart.

I was SURE it was going to be detectable when the show aired, but only I could tell a by a tiny eye twitch.

It went away...but I do NOT like the feeling.
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Postby fluffy » Mon May 02, 2005 10:16 pm

but you had the guts to try...................i am the worst actor in the world...........i start to laugh and ham it up to excess.........so i've learn't that if i were into that sort of thing i'd have to be a writer.......i've written the odd piece of dialogue...........but usually in broad Scot's.....but other than that i'm too shy/nervous to investigate it further............

c'est la vie..............sigh..... :P

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Postby quirky » Tue May 03, 2005 1:23 am

But you have the Bridget Jones physique and the English Rose cheeks!
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Postby fluffy » Tue May 03, 2005 7:34 am

yeah, but i don't have Colin Firth and Hugh Grant fighting over me....(unfortunately......lol :wink: )..............
And remember Bridget spends her life dieting and weighing herself..........

Besides, if i aspire to writing, i could look like Jabba the Hut..... :wink:...no-one would see me anyhow...............

fluffy :lol:

Maybe happiness IS in a tub of Ice cream after all.............I've been looking in the wrong places........ :wink:
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Postby quirky » Wed May 04, 2005 8:12 pm

And remember Bridget spends her life dieting and weighing herself..........

And drinking red wine...we have a new supermarket nearby and I checked out the wine section the other day. I felt very "Bridget Jones" until I saw the California wine called "Red Truck"...yes, "Red Truck" and it had a red truck on the label. All I could think was "oooh...someone's got a good marketing strategy here"...two midwestern guys walk into the wine section, look at the all the bottles, scratch their heads and then see "Red Truck." "What you gonna buy Lloyd?" "I dunno Merle...I kinda like the looks of this here Red Truck."

I have a friend who thinks Renee Zellweger bears the perpetual expression of someone who smells poo. I think so, too.
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Postby fluffy » Wed May 04, 2005 8:31 pm

LOL..............THERE'S the bit in MMAIrene...........where Charlie is giving her compliments and one of them is basically 'you have a little screwed up face like you've just sucked on a lemon and you don't care, which is great'........or something like that........ :wink:
She has a tiny frame and the British press are going crazy saying she's too thin...............The British adored her as Bridget and Hugh Grant and Colin Firth both said she should keep the weight on............but i guess the pressure to be skinny must be terrible in Hollywood...........
I'd personally like to see real women back in fashion.........y'know like old Hollywood film stars with REAL boobs and curvy bums..............sexy women are women who believe in themselves.....regardless of shape or size............if i was in Hollywood(god forbid!!)..........i'd just never pick up a paper.....who cares what a heap of hacks say about my bum!!!.....it's what i(and my man) think that counts!!!
But i do think Renee has a sweeter face when she's a little plumper......

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Postby quirky » Wed May 04, 2005 8:55 pm

I like her as an actress. I saw "Chicago" and was really impressed with her abilities.

We are very appearance-obsessed here in the States, I have to admit. I always admired the paintings by Rubens, but if you look that, someone's going to call you "fat" and then someone else is going to get upset on your behalf because they just formed a society to protect overweight people from insensitive comments.

It frequently perplexes me that people are so critical of appearance, but then...I just said Renee Zellweger looks like she smells poo...so I'm a hypocrite.
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Postby Conor » Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:15 pm

now that i think of it a movie with big comedy stars would prolly do terrible.

i mean....ugh.

a moviw with
ben stiller
luke wilson
owen wilson
will ferrell
Jim Carrey
eddie murphy
richard pryor (NOT POSSIBLE :()

would SUCK!
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Postby JimCarrey1991 » Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:48 am

the followibng is my list: Jennifer Aniston ( again for the 2nd time ), Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz.
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Postby fluffy » Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:30 am

HHmm..........Jens really a comedy actress........I saw 'the good girl' which was suposed to be a comedy but was as miserable as hell.........she does miserable quite well............lol.............

i'd like to see more of the British contingency working with Jim.....more classically trained actors............it would be an interesting experience since Jim is more of method actor...............the two styles coming together might be quite a learning experience...........I do think he suited Kate Winslet very well...........but perhaps i'm just flying the British flag again.....lol..........
We have a wee Scots actress called Kelly MacDonald ....she was in Trainspotting.................i actually think she would suit Jim very well..........she just did a piece called 'The Girl in the Cafe' comissioned by the BBC for G8 and it was very well received............

Personally i'd like to see him in a movie with a mixture of faces....and i would be interested to see him opposite Tom Hanks.......whereas in the past i have thought there may be competition......today i think it would give a piece a real edge................plus i still maintain Jim could potentally act him off the screen................but hey i'm a fan, what can i say?....lol :wink:

fluffy :wink:
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Postby fluffy » Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:52 am

i was thinking about that at the gym......Gwinnie Paltrow.....and CZeta might be interesting female leads...........the can both do the extremly cultured and ladylike...............which i think would compliment Jims sheer stature..........and manner...........they would compliment him i think......especially Gwinnie.................

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Postby Conor » Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:38 am

yeah i mean for some reason whnever i hear czeta's name i think of zellwegger. (zellwigger lol)

but yeah i think anyone would be perfect. except for 2 really famous comedians doing a movie together. that doesnt usually work out
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