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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Jim Carrey hits 3 million Twitter followers
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Jim Carrey hits 3 million Twitter followers
23 Apr 2011    

By Nicola West (Editor/Writer (UK))

Did you know that Jim Carrey's a Twitterer, or should that be a Twit, a Tweeter or a Twot? Whatever the correct terminology, Jim's been tweeting away for some time and despite the occasional hiatus, he has managed to amass an enormous following. He hit the magic 3 million followers on Twitter today, so be sure to add Jim to your follow list if you've not done it yet.

As Tweets go, he's shared some gems amongst his 2,000+ messages to fans, with more personal replies and global pearls of wisdom to be found online.

Jim Carrey
© Jim Carrey

From the thought provoking:
"The only problems we have are self-loathing and the ways we abandon ourselves because of it. Embrace your #BOING ?;^P"

To the amusing:
"If emptiness is Godliness and Godliness is emptiness where will we put our stuff? I need a space."

And today's topical:
"Goodmornoonevening world! Last night I dreamed that William and Kate eloped and all the vendors wept! ?;^\"

Plus numerous self documenting pics. So if you've not visited Jim Carrey's Twitter page yet, be sure to check it out and lets bump him up to the 4 million mark!

-- Source: Twitter. Click to comment this article.

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